One handpiece for every area – effortlessly mounted and set up

Jul 5, 2023

All Alix Diode Lasers (except Pro) now come equipped with the IceCool System and an additional 5 different zone handpieces. You can now reach every area in your treatment, making your work extremely efficient and fast. Our handpieces are ice-cooled, ensuring a completely painless treatment, even in very sensitive intimate areas.

The handpieces individually are:

  • 8mm

  • 12*12mm²

  • 10*12mm²

  • 10*20mm²

  • 20*20mm²

  • 12*35mm²

Standard magnetic handpieces – surgically precise and ice-cold. In just a few seconds, you can convert your laser.


Alix Lasers® präsentiert weltweite erste vollautomatische Diodenlaser Generation

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